Haha I am finally back to normal! My Sore Eyes are gone! I AM CLEANED! and I didn't have to wash 7 times in the river....haha bible joke? Yeah not humor has died while I've been here....I suppose some of you maybe rejoicing....or some quietly asking if I even used to have good humor. But what's important is that I absolutely love my life, I have an amazing family I would die for, and I love the Lord and being his servant even If I have to wake up at 6:30am and teach till 9:00pm. This has been a productive week and the time that Elder Diosos and I have together are drawing to an end.. Next week we'll get the transfer emails, and i'll probably be leaving October 8th. I'm going to be leaving a lot of people that I really care about here, leaving an amazing zone, and leaving the best area of my mission with the best companion. But I am not sad....I miss change I miss feeling uncomfortable and new. It will be interesting where I go. I'm hoping and betting that I'll be going to Lopez with my buddy Trebes...we'll see! So update on the package...haven't gotten in yet because it's still in Alaminos and that's 3 hours away....and we aren't allowed to leave Batangas on Pday, I'll for sure get it on Transfer day...We're (sister Smith) stoked for the delicious food you sent! :) I don't have too many good stories...but I know tonight I'm probably going to cry...the whole Batangas zone except for 2 elders who hate to hang out with us because they are....they are just elders...are together in Nasugbu for the last time and we are going to the house of one of my favorite members in my whole mission. Nanay Asia...and we're having an F.H.E. (Family Home Evening) basically we are going to have fun, eat food, then share our testimonies and say bye to Sister Pajo....she was with me in Marinduque and I've been here DL for the past 6 months haha she leaves this week. I can't tell you how sad it will make me when I say bye to the members and missionaries in this I won't think about it. I'll just keep working hard, praying even harder, and love these people and the Lord will all my heart...also I'll eat less rice and work out every morning..
So when you shared your story about Zach driving it freaked me out....why is he driving? haha absolutely crazy....but now I think he knows how much it sucks to pay for gas. I'd pay anything just to hang out him for a night and tell him my secrets and just give him a big hug....well 9 months na lang! Regarding Tiffany! way to go! I'm proud of you! Keep it up! Jessica :*( hope your knee feels better...the best remedy for pain is to not complain keep your mouth shut and pray that it doesn't hurt so much...and just remember that it will feel better when it stops hurting. <---see bad humor...example #2 . I love that you are having a ton of parties at the house I can't wait to get my dance and drink on (by drink I imply Non-Caffeinated Soft drinks, or Milk..haha although it maybe alluding to alcohol haha ;) ---example #3 bad humor.
I want to thank you so much for this wonderful experience you've given me Family, I've truly learned for myself here through trials and afflictions how important family is, who God really is, and my role in the eternities. and although I don't think I am adequately called or prepared for this calling...I'm trying my best and repenting everyday. This are truly the best days of my life and I have no one to thank but you! MAN I LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU
p.s. I am in an incredible good mood nothing I would change...except that Mom would come visit and work with us!
Your Son,
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
September 21, 2010
Thanks so much for the awesome email you sent it was way good and cheered me up! This week has been one that has tried my faith for sure...but I've seem to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. I hate that feeling I get of inadequacy sometimes here in the mission field, I hate that I feel I could be doing better than I am right now...but at the same time I am grateful..I'm grateful for the Atonement and how I through His help I can improve myself with some hard work and discipline. This week my companion and I got sick, to be honest we got Sore Eyes and weren't able to work for 3-4 days this week. Every time we tried to work we got told to leave because of our sickness is contagious daw. All we could do was sit at home and all I did was think of you and how much I miss working and teaching. It really sucks when you feel you could be doing so much more. Well it's now the 6th day and they are still red, but the pain is gone...I'm hoping this week the blood will leave and I wont have to wear sunglasses when I teach haha as cool as I look walking around with glasses and scaring little kids with vampire noises when I take them off...I just want to get back to work. I'm sorry you gotta lay people off this week, I know thats always been really hard for you...I'll remember to say a prayer for you...and I'm really happy you are still going to missionary week thats so wonderful! I love you guys so much, I love the Gospel, I love the Lord more than anything and I am trying to be a faithful servent despite my weaknesses, the Church is true and I am so grateful I get to teach my filipino brothers and sisters here...even though I'm easily annoyed when they yell "Hey Joe" Patience! PRAY FOR PATIENCE!
I love you so much,
Elder Gonzalez
p.s. 10 months na lang...i cannot even believe that whaaaaaaaat?only 7 more transfers....i leave calaca on October 8th...and I'm going to cry like a big fat baby..
Thanks so much for the awesome email you sent it was way good and cheered me up! This week has been one that has tried my faith for sure...but I've seem to draw closer to our Heavenly Father. I hate that feeling I get of inadequacy sometimes here in the mission field, I hate that I feel I could be doing better than I am right now...but at the same time I am grateful..I'm grateful for the Atonement and how I through His help I can improve myself with some hard work and discipline. This week my companion and I got sick, to be honest we got Sore Eyes and weren't able to work for 3-4 days this week. Every time we tried to work we got told to leave because of our sickness is contagious daw. All we could do was sit at home and all I did was think of you and how much I miss working and teaching. It really sucks when you feel you could be doing so much more. Well it's now the 6th day and they are still red, but the pain is gone...I'm hoping this week the blood will leave and I wont have to wear sunglasses when I teach haha as cool as I look walking around with glasses and scaring little kids with vampire noises when I take them off...I just want to get back to work. I'm sorry you gotta lay people off this week, I know thats always been really hard for you...I'll remember to say a prayer for you...and I'm really happy you are still going to missionary week thats so wonderful! I love you guys so much, I love the Gospel, I love the Lord more than anything and I am trying to be a faithful servent despite my weaknesses, the Church is true and I am so grateful I get to teach my filipino brothers and sisters here...even though I'm easily annoyed when they yell "Hey Joe" Patience! PRAY FOR PATIENCE!
I love you so much,
Elder Gonzalez
p.s. 10 months na lang...i cannot even believe that whaaaaaaaat?only 7 more transfers....i leave calaca on October 8th...and I'm going to cry like a big fat baby..
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13, 2010
This week has been absolutely extraordinary and hectic at the same time. So to answer your questions yeah I just got your money that you sent over so THANKS! we needed it ha-ha its Dioso's birthday soon and I'm going to find him a gift here at SM today. Last Saturday Dioso had his first baptism in his mission! We baptized Ludi! She's this wonderful lady who I feel it's a miracle she made it to the waters of baptism. So last transfer when we went to Manila, I talked to Elder Lopez on the trip and he told me about a contact he made over in my area a while back and told me I better go try and find her. When I talked to my companion Elder Painagan he said there’s no hope. Well, I decided we'd try one more time. The problem was she has never gone to church in the 3 years she's been taught by the missionaries, but has a killer testimony of the Church and the Book of Mormon. We had a few trials and bumps on the way, to the point I felt like knocking her "Live in" partner out when I saw her covered in bruises. Well, after encouraging her and motivated and of course the Spirit bearing witness, she ended the relationship, repented, and has been going to church every week even when church is over an hour away in Nasugbu. It has been such a life changing experience for me to see the joy and change in her life feelings are indescribable and I love it. So last week, the hectic part came. She talked to my companion Dioso while I was working in Balayan with Elder Centeno about how her ex-live in partner is pressuring her to get back together, to the point that he called his family to come and talk with her. So almost every night last week the family of her ex-partner has been out her house begging for them to get back together...pretty pathetic if you ask me. There is absolutely no reason for a man to put his hand on a woman. So what happen was she didn't give them an answer but said "I need to talk to the Elders about it". When we came back the following day, I heard about it all so we went to the church and had a long conversation. I basically told her if she were to get back with him she wouldn't be able to be baptized this Saturday or for awhile. In the Philippines there is no divorce so it's really hard to not break the law of chastity here. So what the church has done is if they can prove and the Mission President advises, they can get baptized even though they are still living with each other, but they cannot receive the priesthood or enter the temple. It’s a fairly good solution...It's a lot better than the Church lobbying for Divorce here in the Philippines that wouldn't look to good now would it and I'm sure our enemies here would love that to happen. So when we were talking I decided to have the pre-interview were its a serious discussion and we talk about things that she's done in her past. Well a concern came up and when she said it, I'll admit my faith was weak...I looked at Dioso and I was in complete shock! The baptism was scheduled for the following day and I knew in my heart there’s no way she could be baptized! So after the interview I spent from 4:00pm-8:30pm trying to get and contact the mission president...but 1. Communication sucks in this country if you don't have a personal cell phone, 2. President got a new #. and 3. The cell phone I used the girl had to go home. So Friday night I didn't even talk to Pres. Saturday morning the AP's showed up with the ZL's and I told em what came up called president and he cleared the baptism it was awesome! We went and interviewed her she passed and later that day was baptized! I cannot even begin to describe how much of a help the members were! It was by far the best baptism I have had and Dioso loved it! The spirit was so strong...I love this work and know that it’s true. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a tool(ha-ha I'm sure some people said I was tool even back then! SO S1ck BRO SRH) in the hands of God. The joy I found here is indescribable. Family thank you so much for this opportunity you've given me. Thank you so much for what happened at 9:30pm ;) ha-ha! I love you guys so much! Stay safe and know that I love you!
Your Son,
This week has been absolutely extraordinary and hectic at the same time. So to answer your questions yeah I just got your money that you sent over so THANKS! we needed it ha-ha its Dioso's birthday soon and I'm going to find him a gift here at SM today. Last Saturday Dioso had his first baptism in his mission! We baptized Ludi! She's this wonderful lady who I feel it's a miracle she made it to the waters of baptism. So last transfer when we went to Manila, I talked to Elder Lopez on the trip and he told me about a contact he made over in my area a while back and told me I better go try and find her. When I talked to my companion Elder Painagan he said there’s no hope. Well, I decided we'd try one more time. The problem was she has never gone to church in the 3 years she's been taught by the missionaries, but has a killer testimony of the Church and the Book of Mormon. We had a few trials and bumps on the way, to the point I felt like knocking her "Live in" partner out when I saw her covered in bruises. Well, after encouraging her and motivated and of course the Spirit bearing witness, she ended the relationship, repented, and has been going to church every week even when church is over an hour away in Nasugbu. It has been such a life changing experience for me to see the joy and change in her life feelings are indescribable and I love it. So last week, the hectic part came. She talked to my companion Dioso while I was working in Balayan with Elder Centeno about how her ex-live in partner is pressuring her to get back together, to the point that he called his family to come and talk with her. So almost every night last week the family of her ex-partner has been out her house begging for them to get back together...pretty pathetic if you ask me. There is absolutely no reason for a man to put his hand on a woman. So what happen was she didn't give them an answer but said "I need to talk to the Elders about it". When we came back the following day, I heard about it all so we went to the church and had a long conversation. I basically told her if she were to get back with him she wouldn't be able to be baptized this Saturday or for awhile. In the Philippines there is no divorce so it's really hard to not break the law of chastity here. So what the church has done is if they can prove and the Mission President advises, they can get baptized even though they are still living with each other, but they cannot receive the priesthood or enter the temple. It’s a fairly good solution...It's a lot better than the Church lobbying for Divorce here in the Philippines that wouldn't look to good now would it and I'm sure our enemies here would love that to happen. So when we were talking I decided to have the pre-interview were its a serious discussion and we talk about things that she's done in her past. Well a concern came up and when she said it, I'll admit my faith was weak...I looked at Dioso and I was in complete shock! The baptism was scheduled for the following day and I knew in my heart there’s no way she could be baptized! So after the interview I spent from 4:00pm-8:30pm trying to get and contact the mission president...but 1. Communication sucks in this country if you don't have a personal cell phone, 2. President got a new #. and 3. The cell phone I used the girl had to go home. So Friday night I didn't even talk to Pres. Saturday morning the AP's showed up with the ZL's and I told em what came up called president and he cleared the baptism it was awesome! We went and interviewed her she passed and later that day was baptized! I cannot even begin to describe how much of a help the members were! It was by far the best baptism I have had and Dioso loved it! The spirit was so strong...I love this work and know that it’s true. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a tool(ha-ha I'm sure some people said I was tool even back then! SO S1ck BRO SRH) in the hands of God. The joy I found here is indescribable. Family thank you so much for this opportunity you've given me. Thank you so much for what happened at 9:30pm ;) ha-ha! I love you guys so much! Stay safe and know that I love you!
Your Son,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010


This week has been AMAZING! So last monday my email was wack and super short because when we got to the Email shop, we got an email from the AP's which is funny because in tagalog (IPIS or APS) means Cockroach aahaha952jkdjsf. But the email said Elder Gonzalez you come to the mission home and all the District Leaders, Zone LEaders ,and Trainers....there is a Leadership Training MEeting This week Tuesday-thursday pack your stuff. So basically Its a new program the church started and I got to hang out with my favorite missionaries in the mission for 4 days and sleep in the mission home with Elder Bernard from my batch, ate a ton of pizza, didn't work out, stayed up to late, accidentally texted president anderson at 12:00am "Elder Lee Drinks his own Pee" had a good time and I enjoyed myself. and at the same time I learned a TON of new teaching techniques and even got 2 more baptism goal dates this week because of it. I just enjoyed myself...laughed a lot...miss the heck out of you guys...preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, learned for myself how wonderful the gospel is when lived in the life of good people, sweated a ton, ate crab and other sea creatures, and now we are in Batangas and going to SM today. I can't explain the joy I have is so amazing. I love teaching people how to become better and live a higher life. I love you guys so much and miss you dearly! I promise next week I'll write something more indepth...but life is so good. Don't worry about me I'm having the time of my life. and have been reading my scriptures everyday since 4/11/10 yeaaah.
Theres a hole in my heart that cannot be filled until I return...let's just hope too much blood doesn't come out.
Love you so much,
Josh Elder Austin Gonzalez Lonell Napolean
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